This depends on the total essential load including AC during Peak time use and the typical duration of power outage For most houses, a 10 KWh battery is more than…
Yes, need to use energy efficient AC (Inverter AC) to minimize the power used.
Two(2) 1.5 tons inverter ACs require at least 8 – 10 KWh battery to run for 4…
Following are some of the key considerations for selecting the type of battery for usage during peak time and power outages:
Depth of Discharge (DoD): % of battery capacity that…
To provide this tilt and structural integrity, solar panels are attached to mounting structures.
Low profile single panel rows: Lower structural load, easier to clean, but need to be spaced to avoid…
To get the most solar energy converted to electricity, solar panels should be oriented to face the sun (south) to get sunlight hitting the surface throughout the day. Ideally, the…
To harness energy from Sun for electricity generation, special materials are needed to intercept the solar radiation and convert Photons from light to DC electric current by a phenomenon called…